International launch for BPN executive leader programme

International launch for BPN executive leader programme
Best Practice Network (BPN) has begun the next phase of its international school leadership qualifications roll-out with the launch of its National Professional Qualification in Executive Leadership (NPQEL) programme for international schools.
The NPQEL programme kicks off in early March in Abu Dhabi when 20 senior leaders from British international schools across the world will meet for their first face-to-face training session.
The content of the NPQEL for international schools is tailored to the candidate’s locality and can be completed within 12 months. Delivered through online learning or as a ‘blended’ approach which mixes face-to-face sessions and online, NPQEL is for leaders aspiring to, or already in, leadership roles across more than one school, such as headteachers, executive headteachers, chief operating officers and directors of school improvement.
Andy Hodgkinson, lead facilitator for the programme, said: “We’re looking forward to welcoming international school leaders onto the first cohort. The programme will be a blend of the best elements of our successful UK programme, tailored to the needs of our international colleagues who face a range of different leadership challenges and opportunities.
“The programme will help these leaders who are working across multiple school organisations develop their strategy and help them focus on their vision and values so that they can get the best from the children and young people in their care.”
BPN now runs a full range of fully accredited NPQs for international schools, available in more than 60 countries. More than 500 leaders have now either completed or enrolled in, international NPQs with BPN, with 98 per cent saying they would recommend the programme to a colleague.
Key features of the NPQs for international schools offered by BPN include facilitation and support from serving school leaders in outstanding schools, a purpose-built online learning portal, face-to-face delivery at local venues or entirely online for distance learners, guaranteed support to pass final assessment and content tailored to the candidate’s locality and updated to reflect international developments and legislation.
BPN is one of the UK’s largest providers of training, development and support for education professionals. It partners with schools, trusts, teaching school alliances and diocese to deliver a comprehensive programme of CPD qualifications, including the four National Professional Qualifications for school leaders, Early Years Initial Teacher Training and the International Award for SEN Coordination (iSENCO), which is now accepting applications for September 2020.
About Best Practice Network
Best Practice Network is one of the UK’s largest providers of training, development and support for education professionals. We share the desire of every practitioner that every child, regardless of their background, should benefit from an excellent education. We do this by working in close partnership with practising education professionals to develop and deliver high-quality CPD and qualifications that help school leaders, early years practitioners, business managers, support staff and SENCOs be the best they can be and transform the lives of children and young people. Our comprehensive range of programmes includes the government-approved National Professional Qualifications for school leaders, Early Years Initial Teacher Training and the National Award for SEN Coordination (NASENCO).