Prepare Your Setting for the Increase in Funded Childcare

Prepare Your Setting for the Increase in Funded Childcare
The childcare sector is on the brink of a significant transformation with the extension of funded childcare hours. This change, while exciting, brings the challenge of meeting increased demand without compromising the quality of care. Best Practice Network (BPN) offers a robust solution through our funded training programmes, designed to enhance staff skills and optimise staff:child ratios. This article explores how BPN’s programmes can help your early years setting meet the new demands.
What Are the Changes to the Funded Childcare Hours?
The government’s new policy will extend the number of funded childcare hours available to parents, aiming to support working families and promote early childhood education.
The expanded funded childcare offer
Some changes have already been put in place, with eligible working parents of 2-year-olds now being able to access 15 hours childcare support as of April 2024. By September 2025, most working families with children aged between 9 months and 5 years old will be entitled to 30 hours of childcare support.
The changes are being introduced gradually to make sure that providers can meet the needs of more families. This means that:
From September 2024
15 hours childcare support will be extended to eligible working parents of children from the age of 9 months to 3-year-olds.
From September 2025
Eligible working parents of children from 9 months to school age will be entitled to 30 hours of childcare a week.
Like the existing offer, depending on the provider, these hours can be used over 38 weeks of the year (during school term time), or up to 52 weeks if you use fewer than your total hours per week.
This policy shift means:
- Increased Hours: The number of funded hours will be increased, allowing parents to access more childcare at no additional cost.
- Wider Age Range: The extension may cover a broader age range of children, including younger toddlers and older preschoolers.
- Enhanced Accessibility: The changes aim to make high-quality childcare more accessible to a larger number of families, reducing financial barriers and supporting parental employment.
These changes will significantly impact early years settings, requiring them to accommodate more children for longer periods while maintaining high standards of care.
What is the solution for nurseries to manage the expanded hours?
Best Practice Network is recognised as an "Exceptional Training Provider" by the Department for Education (DfE), and our early years courses are crafted to support your setting in delivering high-quality care while managing increased childcare hours. Here’s how BPN can help:
- Maximise Staff Ratios: By upskilling your team through BPN’s training programmes, you can effectively increase the number of children your setting can accommodate while maintaining quality care.
- Funded Training Programmes: BPN offers fully funded training options that leverage the Apprenticeship Levy and DfE funding, ensuring that your staff can receive top-notch training without financial strain on your setting.
- Expert-Led Training: BPN’s programmes are led by experienced professionals who provide comprehensive support and guidance, ensuring your staff are well-equipped to handle the extended hours.
- Recruiting Apprentices: BPN assists with recruiting new apprentices, providing free recruitment services to help you find enthusiastic and capable individuals ready to start their career in early years education. This service ensures you have a steady influx of new talent to support your growing needs.
Case Study Example: Little Daisies Nursery
A prime example of the impact of BPN’s training programmes is Little Daisies Nursery. By supporting their staff to apply for Early Years Initial Teacher Training (EYITT) and Level 3 Apprenticeships through BPN, they increased their capacity by over 75%, from 40 to 71 children. Here’s a breakdown of their success:
- Pre-training: 9 staff members catering to 40 children.
- Post-training: 11 staff members catering to 71 children.
This significant increase was achieved by utilising the Apprenticeship Levy and DfE funding, identifying staff eager for career progression, and hiring new apprentices through BPN’s free recruitment services.
Key Programmes to Prepare for Extended Funded Hours
Early Years Practitioner Level 2 ( EYP L2)
This entry-level apprenticeship is perfect for those starting their career in early years childcare. It equips practitioners with the skills to support children’s early education and development. With a duration of up to 15 months, the programme includes online study, tutor visits, and monthly reviews. This training ensures that 50% of your nursery staff hold a Level 2 qualification, as required by regulations.
Early Years Educator Level 3 (EYE L3)
Aimed at those looking to advance their career, this 18-month programme offers in-depth training on supporting and promoting children’s education, planning effective learning activities, and using assessments to inform practice. Staff trained at Level 3 count towards the necessary ratios for early years settings, further supporting your ability to manage more children effectively.
Early Years Lead Practitioner Level 5 (EYLP L5)
For those already holding a Level 3 qualification, this advanced programme focuses on leading day-to-day practice and supporting sector developments. It’s designed for experienced practitioners aiming to take on leadership roles within their settings. This 24-month programme includes webinars, tutor visits, and online assignments, ensuring comprehensive development.
Early Years Initial Teacher Training (EYITT)
This unique training programme, aimed at graduate practitioners, leads to Early Years Teacher Status (EYTS). It includes a blend of training days, placements, and self-paced learning, all fully funded by the DfE. EYITT trainees can immediately count towards staff ratios, with those achieving EYTS able to work with a ratio of 1:13 for children aged 3-4 years.
Get Started with Best Practice Network
To prepare your setting for the upcoming changes in funded childcare hours, explore the comprehensive training programmes offered by Best Practice Network. These expert-led, funded programmes not only enhance the quality of care but also optimise your staff ratios, enabling you to cater to more children effectively.
For more information, please get in touch with our Early Years Advisors on 0117 920 9428 or Embrace the future of childcare with confidence and ensure your setting thrives under the extended funded hours with BPN’s high-quality training programmes.