Best Practice Network Rated Ofsted Good Provider for Apprenticeships

Best Practice Network Rated Ofsted Good Provider for Apprenticeships
Following Best Practice Network’s New Provider Monitoring Inspection in September 2022 achieving “Significant Progress” across all judgements, we are delighted to have received an overall "Good" rating in our first full Ofsted inspection of our apprenticeship programmes.
As a leading provider of Early Years, Teaching Assistant and Leadership and Management apprenticeship programmes, we are committed to delivering high-quality education across all our programmes. We are extremely proud to achieve an "Outstanding" rating in the "Behaviour and Attitudes" judgement as demonstrated by "Apprentices are highly respectful towards each other and their tutors."
Ofsted recognised our wonderful Apprentices and their Tutors.
"Apprentices enjoy their studies. They find their coursework and job roles challenging and stimulating. They value greatly the care and support they receive from their tutors’ and that ‘Tutors insightfully identify gaps in apprentices’ knowledge and plan teaching to address these quickly’ and ‘use their expertise well to share real scenarios that give apprentices practical and effective strategies to resolve work problems."
Ofsted also highlighted the value of the apprenticeship programmes, "Apprentices gain new knowledge and skills quickly, which helps them to increase their levels of confidence and professional behaviours" and that "Most apprentices move on to positive destinations at work and gain promotions or positions of greater responsibility."
Our first full Ofsted inspection of the apprenticeship programmes commenced at the same time that Best Practice Network were shortlisted for Education and Childcare Apprenticeship Provider of the Year at the AAC awards. This is the second year in a row that we have been shortlisted. After winning the award last year, we look forward to attending the AAC Gala to celebrate and showcase the collective achievements and advancements in the apprenticeship sector.
Best Practice Network are pleased to be recognised for the work we do to support recruitment in the sector "Leaders have a clear strategy to provide training nationally to support recruitment and retention in the education and early years sectors."
The flexibility of individual training plans, accommodating apprentices' working hours and family commitments also received positive recognition, as did the support for those with Additional Learning needs.
"Expert special educational needs coordinators ensure that highly effective support plans are put in place for those apprentices who need help."
One standout feature highlighted was the apprentices' enthusiasm for learning. "They attend coaching sessions and online classes well and often study independently using BPN’s high-quality teaching resources, such as webinars and online document and reference libraries."
The commitment of apprentices to community service projects was also mentioned, showcasing a strong sense of social responsibility. Initiatives such as food bank collections, charity fundraisers, and exercise classes in nursing homes highlighted the apprentices' proactive involvement in social action projects.
Furthermore, apprentices' excellent understanding of British values and their positive impact in workplaces also stood out positively.
"Apprentices have an excellent understanding of British values. Tutors ensure that apprentices enact these values in their workplaces. For example, apprentices are positive role models and advocates for the children they work with. They empower children to enjoy participating in democratic decision-making."
Our Apprenticeships Director at Best Practice Network, Tracy Clement, expressed gratitude to the amazing Apprenticeships Team, our Employers and Apprentices and to Ofsted for their recognition and emphasised our commitment to continuous improvement.
"Best Practice Network continues with their clear strategy for national training, effective regional leadership and dedication to understanding the needs of the education sector."
Best Practice Network is excited to build on its successes and excel as a provider of high-quality apprenticeship programmes in partnership with existing and new employers.
To learn more about our Apprenticeships programmes for Education and Childcare please click the button below.