Q: What NPQ funding is available to me?
A: Funding opportunities are available for the next NPQ intake as part of the government's long-term education recovery plan. Since Autumn 22, scholarships have been confirmed to support the following eligible organisations:
- State-funded schools
- State-funded 16 to 19 organisations
- Independent special schools
- Virtual schools (local authority-run organisations supporting the education of children in care)
- Hospital schools not already included in other eligible categories
- Young offender institutions
Additionally, local authority employed supply teachers will also have the opportunity to access scholarships.
These scholarships aim to provide financial support for participants in NPQ programs, ensuring that educators and school leaders can enhance their skills and contribute to the long-term recovery of education. If you are unsure about your school's funding situation please get in contact with us!
Q: What is Target Support Funding and how can I access it?
A: To further incentivise state-funded schools and state-funded 16 to 19 educational settings in England to participate in NPQs, the DfE have made additional funding available. This is to assist with key potential barriers such as costs associated with releasing teachers.
For each teacher or leader they employ who takes an NPQ in the 2023 to 2024 academic year:
- State-funded primary schools with one to 150 pupils will receive a grant payment of £800
- State-funded primary schools with more than 150 pupils will receive a grant payment of £200
- State-funded secondary schools and state-funded 16 to 19 educational settings with one to 600 pupils will receive a grant payment of £200
Targeted support funding is not available for participants taking the early headship coaching offer unless they’re also completing NPQH.
Q: What are NPQs?
A: National Professional Qualifications (NPQs) are a set of nationally recognised professional qualifications for teachers and school leaders in England. They are designed to support professional development and help educators to improve their skills, knowledge and leadership abilities.
Q: Which NPQs are available?
A: We offer all 8 of the currently available NPQs:
Specialist NPQs
- Leading Teaching (NPQLT)
- Leading Teacher Development (NPQLTD)
- Leading Behaviour & Culture (NPQLBC)
- Leading Literacy (NPQLL)
Leadership NPQs
- Senior Leadership (NPQSL)
- Headship (NPQH)
- Executive Leadership (NPQEL)
- Early Years Leadership (NPQEYL)
Q: How long does it take to complete an NPQ?
A: The length of time it takes to complete an NPQ depends on the qualification and your own individual circumstances. Generally, Specialist NPQs take 12 months and Leadership NPQs take 18 months to complete but can take up to two years in some cases. All NPQs are designed to be flexible and to fit around your work commitments.
Q: How are NPQs assessed and accredited?
A: NPQs are assessed at the end of the programme with a Summative assessment task. This involves undertaking written assessment at the end that ranges from 1500-2500 words depending on your chosen NPQ programme.
Q: Can you complete more than one NPQ?
A: Yes, the NPQs are designed around the DfE golden thread for teacher development and many teachers will benefit from taking a number of NPQs over their careers as they develop in their roles. It's important to note that the NPQs are designed to be complementary, so completing more than one can provide a well-rounded and comprehensive understanding of leadership.
Q: Who is eligible to undertake an NPQ?
A: The eligibility criteria for each NPQ varies slightly, but generally, the programs are designed for educators with a minimum of 2 years’ experience who are currently in, or aspiring towards, leadership positions within schools or educational organisations. For example the NPQH is aimed at aspiring or existing headteachers.
Q: Where across England do you deliver Face-to-Face sessions?.png)
A: The exact location of your Face-to-Face events can vary depending on the NPQ programme and its popularity. However, we work with a network of fantastic delivery partners across the country to ensure that we can offer face-to-face events in a range of locations. Due to this wide reaching network, we are now able to guarantee that your NPQ event will be no more than an hour away from you!
You can view our interactive map here to see our map of the current groups broken down by programme.
Q: When is the deadline to apply?
Please apply by no later than October 8 to secure your place!
Where can I find out more information about NPQs and how to apply for them?
A: You can find out more information about NPQs and how to apply for them on any of our programme pages. To get started click the button below to be taken to our main NPQ page which lists all our NPQs.